Everything You Need to Know About Hypnobirthing

So, what is hypnobirthing? You may have heard of it - or you may not have - but what is it really?

You may wonder “Am I really going to be hypnotized or in a trance?”

No, no, and no! Hypnobirthing is nothing like that.

What Hypnobirthing Is

In short, hypnobirthing is a birth preparation tool based on unbiased, scientific evidence that is used to calm and eliminate fear and anxiety surrounding birth.

Hypnobirthing celebrates a birthing person’s innate birthing ability in a positive and empowering way. How can you not love it?!

At Flourish Family Doulas, we like to think of this as a similar type of preparation that a runner would do to prepare for a marathon. This preparation takes months of physical effort but also mental prep as well.

I mean, let’s be honest. Most people don’t wake up one day and decide that this is the day they are going to go out and run 26 miles! It takes thought, preparation and determination!

Birth is the same.

The Purpose of Hypnobirthing

As doulas, our main goal during hypnobirthing is to completely eliminate any fear, tension, or pain that comes up during labor and birth.

When we are scared or fearful of birth, it causes our bodies to tense up, out of stress, and increase adrenaline (which we do not want in our birth space)! This can cause a longer and more painful labor.

Hypnobirthing teaches you all you need to know about how your parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system works. You will learn how birthing hormones work in conjunction with your systems.

“My mind is relaxed, my body is relaxed.”

As local Springfield, MO doulas, we know that having this knowledge makes all the difference when it comes to planning and maintaining your ideal birth environment. While you are learning how these systems work, and how they positively or negatively affect the birthing process, we can work on retraining your minds. Don’t worry, no swinging pocket watches required.

How Hypnobirthing Works

As doulas we typically see this is where the questions about the ‘hypno’ part of hypnobirth come in.

First, to ease your mind, hypnobirthing practices are completely self-guided. This means only you can decide to use the relaxation MP3s and techniques.

No one will put you in a trance. Hypnobirthing is nothing like “stage hypnosis”, instead, hypnobirthing is a great tool. We like to call this toolbox the “anchors of the mind”.

Think of these mind anchors as associations you have in your brain. They might be positive or negative, but when it comes to birth, you may have negative associations from family, friends’ birth stories, over dramatized tv and movies, even previous birth experience.

What hypnobirthing aims to do is slowly tear down these negative associations and replace them with positive associations - otherwise known as anchors.

Hypnobirthing anchors come in handy during pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and even everyday life situations. These anchors can be simple statements, breathing techniques, or partner support. We have these tools to lean on to get us through all circumstances in birth with a calm mind and a positive manner.

“When you change the way you view birth, the way you birth will change.” -Marie Mongan

All in all, hypnobirthing acts as a tool kit for your pregnancy and birth. With this unique tool, you learn that birth can be a positive experience.

You learn techniques for a calm, relaxed and confident birth.

You learn the basic physiology of birth and the knowledge that your body and mind were designed to do this.

And at Flourish Family Doulas, we’ll be there with you through it all.

Sign up for Hypnobirthing Classes with DONA Certified Doula Intern and Certified Hypnobirthing Educator, Kezziah!


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