Think B.R.A.IN.
Pregnancy and childbirth are filled with many “firsts.”
The list can go on and, at times, become overwhelming.
There might be moments where you feel like someone is pushing you to make a quick choice, or even feel like sometimes you are being told what is going to happen and not given a choice.
In overwhelming moments it is important to take a deep breath, remember that you are in charge, ask for a moment and think B.R.A.I.N
What are the benefits of this new test/procedure/experience?
Will it enhance your pregnancy? Help you to feel empowered?
How will this benefit your baby?
What are the risks associated with this test/procedure/experience?
Will it cause unnecessary stress on yourself or your baby?
If you don’t have a good feeling about this new test/procedure/experience, what are the alternatives? Are there options available to you to discuss with your support team and providers?
What does your intuition say about this test/procedure/experience?
Do you feel uneasy about what is being presented to you? Are you confident in the options available?
What happens if we do nothing right now?
Is there a risk or a benefit in doing nothing? Is there time to wait and see what happens organically?
Thinking B.R.A.I.N can help give you a moment to assess a situation and make an informed decision for yourself and your baby.
Learn about Thinking B.R.A.I.N and more in our Intro to Pregnancy and Childbirth Education classes!