How to Prepare for Your Unmedicated Birth

In a world where medical interventions often take center stage in childbirth, it's important to shed light on the possibility of an unmedicated birth for every woman who desires one! If you’re wondering just how to prepare for your unmedicated birth, keep reading!

While it may not be the most popular option, women must know that it is a viable option with the right support and preparation. With a woman’s investment in education, creating a detailed birth plan, and the consideration of birth doula care, women can navigate the journey of unmedicated birth with confidence!

Invest in Education for Your Unmedicated Birth

Childbirth education plays a vital part in truly equipping expecting parents with the knowledge and confidence to navigate bringing life into the world. Unmedicated childbirth emphasizes a natural approach, relying on solely the body's capabilities.

Education around childbirth isn’t just knowledge, it’s a powerful tool, offering insights into the physiology of labor, coping techniques, and the various stages of an unmedicated birth. Individuals must have a deep connection with the process and be familiar with the emotional and physical demands that come with birth.

flourish family doulas birth doulas springfield mo

Create a Birth Plan for Your Unmedicated Birth

Creating a detailed for your unmedicated childbirth is a vital step for expectant parents. It is important to work closely with an OB-GYN or midwife to create an individualized plan for your natural birth.

By communicating your desires regarding pain management alternatives, movement during labor, desire or lack thereof for medical interventions, and more, you will feel confident and supported by your birth team!

Doulas (that’s us!) can help with your unmedicated birth. We are well-informed and can offer support aligned with your unmedicated birth!

Consider Birth Doula Care

The use of a doula brings a unique blend of emotional, physical, and informational support, creating an atmosphere of comfort and reassurance. A doula is a trained professional who provides expert guidance for the service of others and who supports another person through childbirth.

Doulas are well-versed in various comfort measures, providing hands-on support such as massage, positioning, and breathing techniques that alleviate the challenges of labor. Research finds that the presence of a doula during labor and childbirth is associated with a significant decrease in the likelihood of C-sections.

A meta-analysis published in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews in 2017, which examined 26 trials involving over 15,000 participants, found that continuous support from a doula was associated with a 39% reduction in the odds of having a C-section. The advocacy role of doulas in facilitating communication between the birthing person and healthcare providers may help in ensuring that interventions, including C-sections, are employed only when medically necessary. Considering a doula is truly important on the overall childbirth experience, promoting empowerment, satisfaction, and emotional well-being.

Embarking on the exciting journey of parenthood? Our experienced and compassionate Springfield, MO doula team is here to offer continuous emotional, physical, and informational support!

From personalized birth plans to postpartum care, we're committed to enhancing your journey every step of the way. Take the first step towards a positive and empowering birthing experience. Book your consultation with Flourish Family Doulas today!


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