How to Use Your Doula

A lot of people we talk to ask when exactly they should be reaching out to their doula, asking questions, and sharing their experiences. Sooo many families they tell us they don’t want to bother their doula. Some even have experience with a prior doula and wish they would have talked to them more!

Listen, here’s the truth. We are for you, wholly and COMPLETELY throughout your pregnancy. We wish that we could reach every doula client in the world and tell them that your doula WANTS you to ask questions. They want you to reach out with victories, frustrations, cute belly pictures, and later on, pictures of you all growing up as a family.

Doulas didn’t get into this line of work NOT to be your ultimate support. We got into this because we love to support birthing people and give them resources, and encouragement, share laughter, tears and spend qualtiy time. As Springfield, MO doulas, we want to know what you are thinking about, what you want to better understand, and how we can best support your decisions.

When Should I Ask My Doula Questions?

A lot of people we talk to ask when they should reach out and ask questions. Truthfully, we want to hear them ALL! We want to hear about your concerns with family and friends at the birth or after and help you make plans.

Doulas want to walk through the steps of laboring with you, whether it is by text, call or in person. So that you can have time to think through what you want, whenever it is possible and think through the questions you need to ask to make those decisions.

Your Doula is Here for You

There can be a lot of new things coming at you during laboring and birth and every family has their own preferences and goals and we want you to have time to think through what aligns with those as much as possible. We want to support you with knowledge and experience, so things that feel foreign and new, can feel a little less big and unknown.

Our goal is to help you achieve your birth goals and not feel bullied and talked into things that you wish you hadn’t done. We know that birth plans change and we will support you in those changes, but also know that sometimes you just need some time to breathe and think through what you want, without pressure one way or another. We want to be the space held for that time to think and make a decision.

Here’s an example we love: If you have a goal to not have an epidural and your nurse or dr are pushing for it, but your doula isn’t there yet, use them being there with you as the excuse to wait and tell your doula you need them. You doula can show up and give you space to think and decide whether it is time for an epidural or that you still don’t want one. We want you to know a voice and face (your partner and doulas) as many people come in and out and change shifts. When it becomes hard or intense, we want you to feel held and cared for and never alone. Doulas want your partner to feel supported and included in this whole process as well.

Doulas want you to have time and space to bond with your new little one or ones and if you want pictures of those first moments, we want to capture those for you. This is a special and beautiful time for you and your partner to get to know the new addition and honor the journey you have had so far.

When you go home and have all the new things, people in and out and a new little person who relies on you….We want you to be able to say which things are hard or surprising, what is working or what needs to change and we want to help you get those changes made.

Choosing Postpartum Doula Support

If you choose to have postpartum doula support, our goal is to help you get some rest, eat some nutritional meals and snacks, drink plenty of water, and spend lots of time bonding with your baby.

As postpartum doulas, we spend time talking with you about things that are working, like breastfeeding, naps, or sleeping arrangements.

We also want to talk to you about things that still need work, like pumping, swaddling, or taking time for yourself. Don’t forget the things that you have no idea what to do with! Like what is purple crying? What is the best nipple size for your bottle?

Basically, we want to help you as you process all that has happened, walk with you through this vulnerable period, and hold you tight on the days that you need it.

As doulas, we believe that no one should walk this path alone. We love being able to support you in this journey, because it is unique, and should be exactly what your family wants and needs.

We are so thankful for each journey we get to be a part of and the things that we learn from the individuals and amazing people we get to work with. Thank you for letting us support you and walk with you!

Schedule your free consultation today to talk to a Springfield, MO doula!


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